Are You a Slave of Co(o)kery?

Yesterday, in the academic discourse with a fellow professor of the SHB (science of the humanity bizarre), Tereza Semotamova, we plunged into the subject of domestic cookery and catering. I observe it from the outside for many years now, watching my female friends, housemates, mothers and other female species in heterosexual relationships being drawn very quickly (often even within the first official date with the other half) into switching to the „angel in the house“ (or rather „maid“) mode, with the escalating tendency to cook for the guy and sustain the ilusion of domestic happiness by having the meal ready and served at any given time.

It’s most likely due to the females having a genetically determined maternal tendencies always in close proximity to their sexuality: not only does the sex lead to conception and reproduction, which for women means mostly to gastronomicaly sustain the offspring for the next decades, but more than often the cookery itself is a sine qua non to get some sex in return. Heterosexual reward system.

It’s a vicious conundrum. Women frequently and contentedly stand by the stove and devote their time to the preparation of caloric laden lunches and dinners, and the contentment grows stronger in proportion to the growth of their partner’s tummy. She is subconsciously following her predetermined gender obligation in bringing the stability to the relationship by cooking. It is mistakenly believed that love goes through the stomach.

But in fact, my friends, it is only food that goes through the stomach. And the great and sad truth about our world is, that men are totally and completely uninterested in who prepared the meal that goes through their stomach. If you don’t serve the dinner, he certainly wouldn’t be left to starve, he would fill the everhungry stomach with a processed piece of crap or fast food to the same result - the tummy being filled up.

The guys I see around me, often bring the money in or fix malfuctioned electrical appliances, and thus fulfill their gender role, expecting in return the catering being sustained by their women. It’s a model they observed working perfectly with their parents. What a man seeks in his better half is the extension of the mother /as far as the serving goes/, with the difference being that her vagina can be regularly used to satisfy his other needs. Ideal.

Well, here’s the fundamental catch. No one wants to sit at home with his mother. Nobody wants to bonk his mother on the regular basis. So there we have our model going a bit haywired. .the girl, often not fully conscious, driven by the ancient subliminal female notions, stands by the stove, cooking and cooking, alone. Waiting. Waiting for the guy, who often go out have fun with others, in a worse (but not at all unusual) case scenario examines the vaginas of other /not motherly caring/ girls from up close. I have to suppress my frequent tendencies to shake with my female friends and scream –throw away the chains! Your cooking and serving does not draw you closer to him, it draws you apart! But the shackles of gender roles are forged in the flames of hell and are not easily get rid of.