Below is an excerpt from my 'Scorpio Season Workbook' available HERE.
"I never lose. I either win or learn. This journey of life, with its unpredictable paths and challenging choices, teaches us that every experience is a lesson, a step towards our growth and evolution. Embrace each moment, for within it lies the key to your strength." – Nelson Mandela
22 Oct - 21 Nov
Without mercy, the end of October plunges us into dark cold waters of the most intense, mysterious, dark and sexual sign of the zodiac. Scorpio is closely linked to the cycles of transformation – Death and Rebirth.
Each zodiac sign, and its astrological season, carries within it a medicine to help us transition into the next one. Scorpio teaches us the importance of facing up to difficult emotions, intense energies, harsh truths & hardships that sometimes come with life, so that we can transcend the constrictions of our current form & shoot forward, past our comfort zones, like the arrow of Sagittarius, that follows up Scorpio’s contracting inward facing energy with a huge expansion.
When the rest of the natural world starts wilting away & bracing for the harshness of winter, there are parts of us that too inevitably direct our attention inward. Nature is going through a painful transformation, and our lives – of course, must follow.
The Underworld of Emotional Depths
Scorpio Season is designed to feel raw. It often stirs mud covering the bottom of our souls, forces us to navigate the suddenly murky waters and come up with methods to clean them up again. Will you just wait it out and let the mud settle again to the very bottom – hidden from the outside world, slowly turning toxic? Or is there perhaps a different, uncomfortable but crucial way to consolidate our fears, doubts, addictions, shame, regrets,…fill in the blanks. Something is burning to ashes, so a new form (Phoenix represents Scorpios in their highest evolution) can emerge. Our relationship to ‘Death’ (Scorpio’s tarot card) will be put to test – where do we stand in allowing for the old patterns to fall off, the old ‘me’ to die, so that the new one can come into view?
Scorpio, a fixed water sign ruled by Mars and Pluto, embodies the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. This season challenges us to let go of old patterns and embrace profound transformation. Think of Scorpio as your cosmic therapist, urging you to explore the darker corners of your being where discomfort lurks.
Among the many fascinating and baffling phenomena in nature, one stands out to me as a great parable of our egos’ aversion towards change. You see, some caterpillars for no known reason stubbornly resist entering their next evolutionary stage that requires twisting and contracting themselves into a protective cocoon, awaiting their metamorphosis. They cannot postpone their death and subsequent rebirth forever though. Natural order of things will have its final say, always. In the eclipse season that just concluded, we were all called to the same chrysalis, to hang upside down together in suspension. Activated and bothered by discomfort, that can also become a comfort zone of sorts, in Scorpio Season you cannot resist the transformation any longer.
Shadows on the Cave Wall
"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. Life's lessons often come cloaked in discomfort and challenge, compelling us to confront our fears. It is through this courageous engagement with our suffering that we unlock the door to wisdom and liberation." – Pema Chödrön
To truly harness the energy of Scorpio season, we must first confront our shadows. This isn’t merely about acknowledging our flaws - or as I like to frame it: aspects of ourselves that activate our nervous system in ways that feel raw, scary and confusing; it’s about understanding the underlying motivations that drive our behavior. Perhaps you seek comfort in chaos because it feels familiar. Are you frequently finding yourself in toxic relationships? Could there be a lesson in repeated negative patterns resonating through our lives - a call for a transformation that comes from within, rather than bemoaning and waiting for changes to manifest on the outside? Scorpio urges us to bring these issues to light, to examine the fears and insecurities that keep us anchored in unhealthy patterns.
Scorpio season is also about emotional intimacy—connecting with ourselves and others on a deeper level. In a world that often values surface-level interactions, Scorpio challenges us to forge connections based on vulnerability and trust. This period can be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen existing relationships or forge new ones grounded in authenticity.
However, this journey into emotional intimacy requires us to confront our fears of rejection or betrayal. The key is to cultivate self-trust first. When we trust ourselves and our feelings, we become better equipped to trust others.
We’ll twist and turn, surely resist and mourn what’s been lost and cannot be called back again. We’ll cry, we’ll get angry, we’ll get frustrated, but ultimately - Scorpio does not want us to suffer. It just longs to show us what kind of a bad-ass fucking warrior princesses we can become, if only we step up to meet these challenging shadow energies.
Scorpio teaches us that light cannot exist without darkness. This season reminds us that transformation often involves pain and discomfort. Embracing this duality allows us to navigate our experiences with greater resilience. Instead of fearing the darker aspects of ourselves, we can see them as opportunities for growth and understanding.
With the days getting shorter and the nights longer, we naturally feel inclined to turn inward. This is a time to assess where we’ve been and where we want to go. Are there habits or relationships that need to be released? What do we need to nurture in ourselves to feel more fulfilled?
Scorpio is a master alchemist of the zodiac, and we all have Her somewhere in our chart! Her medicine is simple: at any given moment, regardless of the celestial madness of transits and retrogrades, the suspension, the election madness, the raw pain of dissecting, self-sabotaging Scorpio’s sting, it’s within our power to transmute that mud into gold.

Astrological Currents: A Guide to Navigating Scorpio Season
As we journey through Scorpio season, we're not just drifting along the wild underground river in total darkness, we’ll be instead asked to proactively navigate significant astrological currents that can guide our transformation. Each planetary transit acts as a beacon, illuminating the path toward deeper understanding and personal growth.
The New Moon in Scorpio (November 1, 2024)
This lunar event closes with finality the eclipse portal, marking an essential transition from chaotic energies to a period of focused clarity. The New Moon encourages us to dive deep into our desires, illuminating the corners of our subconscious where transformative insights await.
This is a potent moment to harness the magic of manifestation. What aspects of your life need a reboot? What old narratives do you wish to rewrite? The energy surrounding this New Moon invites us to engage with our innermost thoughts and feelings, setting intentions that resonate with our authentic selves.
Actionable Tip: Create a manifestation ritual on the night of the New Moon inspired by Scorpio archetypes of Death & Rebirth, a Phoenix rising from the ashes - perhaps lovingly committing to fire all the emotional debris that surfaced during the past eclipse season and set powerful new intentions as you walk forth stripped of all that was not meant to follow you on your new path, in your new evolutionary stage. As you do this, visualize your desires taking root in the fertile soil in the underground depths of Scorpio's cave, ready to be nurtured and pulled above the ground with the growing light of luna on Her journey towards fullness on November 15.
The Full Moon in Taurus (November 15, 2024)
As we approach the Full Moon in Taurus on November 15, the spotlight shifts to our values and desires for stability. This Full Moon invites us to assess our relationship with abundance and the things we consider essential for our well-being. The Taurus energy encourages us to find comfort in the familiar, but it also asks us to question whether our attachments serve us or keep us stagnant.
During this time, we may feel a tug-of-war between the urge for security and the need for transformation. Are there outdated beliefs about worth or material possessions that you cling to? This Full Moon provides an opportunity to let go of these limiting beliefs and embrace a more authentic understanding of what truly nourishes us.
Actionable Tip: Use the energy of the Full Moon to practice gratitude. Take a moment to list things you genuinely appreciate in your life, focusing on the relationships and values that bring you joy. This simple act can shift your mindset from lack to abundance, inviting more of what you truly desire.
The Collective Shift: Pluto’s Journey into Aquarius
As we near the end of Scorpio season, Pluto’s re-entry into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, marks a significant shift in collective consciousness. Enter the reality of the US presidential elections—a pivotal moment that will determine the direction of our shared journey ahead. Don’t be misled into believing that the intense polarization evident in the 2024 US elections only impacts Americans. The choices we make this November resonate throughout the entire free world. Pluto’s time in Capricorn that started way back in November 2008, has prompted us to examine structures of power, authority, and control. As it moves into Aquarius, we are called to rethink our relationship with these structures, questioning how they serve us as individuals and as a society.
Pluto in Aquarius signifies a push toward innovation, individuality, and collective progress. This cosmic shift will encourage us to harness our uniqueness for the greater good, urging us to rethink how we engage with technology and community. We may find ourselves drawn to movements that emphasize equality and radical change.
Actionable Tip: Engage with communities that resonate with your values. Seek out groups advocating for social change or new technologies that promote collective well-being. Your participation can create waves of impact, encouraging others to join the movement.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." – Marianne Williamson
The Alchemy of Shadows: Rising into Your True Self
My Guided Meditation for Scorpio Season
In this immersive experience: in part a guided meditation, partly a powerful ritual, completed with binaural beats to assist in your journey through the shadows of your past, present, and future, allowing each reflection to guide you toward greater understanding and acceptance. With powerful affirmations and transformative breathwork, you will construct and break through your chrysalis, emerging in radiant light ready to soar into your future.
Astrological / Tarot & Magical Workbook
:: S C O R P I O :: S E A S O N ::

This beautifully designed 39pgs guide through the upcoming astrological season is for everyone (not just Scorpios), who wish to work with lunar/astro/spiritual energies & invitations of the month of Scorpio!
It contains a treasure trove of astro, tarot & lunar predictions - to help you align your day-to-day life as well as your spiritual and self-care practices with the forever turning Wheel of the Year.
My guide book is filled with original artwork, mantras and affirmations, tips and tarotscopes to support you on your journey through Scorpio Season and towards your highest evolution:
- How best to work with this seasons' energy
- New Moon in Scorpio & Full Moon in Taurus energetic invitations - with original tarot spreads for both
- Crystal suggestions
- Bespoke Scorpio 'Shadow Self Transformation' ritual
- Original ‘Scorpio Season’ Yoga Sequence with Affirmations
- Introspection/Journaling exercises
- Scorpio in Pop Culture
- Tarot Guide for each week of this season
- PLUS a deep dive into Samhain / Halloween history & theory
My hope is that the information within: suggestions for some ritual work, journaling, badass magicking, crystal lovin’ & tarot slingin’ during the upcoming lunar energies – will inspire, provoke, guide & motivate you to blaze through this season with joy & wonder!