The Shapeshifter & the Weaver: A Guided Meditation for Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

As we gather for this guided meditation, we stand at a potent threshold, illuminated by the lunar eclipse in Virgo within the dreamlike embrace of Pisces season. This celestial event intensifies the ongoing dance between these two opposing yet intertwined energies, made all the more significant by the recent shift of the lunar nodes onto this very axis.

This nodal shift marks a collective turning point—a karmic reckoning—urging us to find equilibrium between meticulous order and boundless intuition, between the tangible and the transcendent. The Virgo-Pisces axis has always been a balancing act, but now it demands our focused attention, revealing the interplay between our earthly routines and our spiritual yearnings.

A full moon eclipse in Virgo is a revelation, casting sharp light on what we seek to control, where we strive for perfection, and where we must instead surrender. Pisces, ever fluid, calls us to dissolve rigidity, to soften into trust, to release.

To guide us through this transformation, we will invoke the archetypal energies of Mokosh and Veles. Mokosh, the Slavic goddess of earth, weaving, and domesticity, embodies Virgo’s grounded devotion—offering order, solace, and the wisdom of careful tending. Opposing her is Veles, god of magic, shapeshifting, and the liminal spaces, who leads us through the veiled waters of Pisces, into intuition, mystery, and the unseen.

Together, they stand as guardians of integration, guiding us to harmonize Virgo’s precision with Pisces’ vastness, grounding us in release, and weaving together the disparate strands of our inner world.

Join me in this sacred space to:

  • Navigate the intense Virgo-Pisces eclipse energies.
  • Find balance between order and intuition.
  • Release control and embrace surrender.
  • Connect with the powerful archetypes of Mokosh and Veles.
  • Integrate your earthly and spiritual selves.
Step into the liminal space, where clarity meets mystery, and find your equilibrium.