
. 2 min read . Written by Kuba Vitek

Two major (mind-boggling and world-shaking) discoveries has been made this week, both with profound implications for the fate of humanity.

On the 28th September, 11.30am EST, NASA announced at the press conference having an evidence there is (under certain conditions and time) liquid water flowing on the surface of the red planet.

The very same day another breakthrough discovery took place in my bathroom.

A very first gray hair.

In panic, I reached out to just about everyone I know.
First half of my friends came back saying 'unless it was down there, you're fine', the other half with a comforting 'I've got my first gray hair at 21.'
My mum, of course, very much along her blunt unembellished fashion replied with just:
You're getting old.

The big disheartening discovery however is not the gray hair, but the unforgiving principle it uncovers, which is - it doesn't matter how much younger you feel or think about yourself, it doesn't matter how much you get people baffled when they confuse you for five years younger...unlike them, your body knows exactly how old it is.

They say what really matters is where you are in your life at any given time mentally, emotionally and whether you are at the equilibrium with YOUR idea about where you should be at this point in your life.

When I was 18, a tornado of personal tragedies swooshed through my reality, and I ended up nowhere near my ideal vision of what my eighteens will be like.

Then, at 25, after a long healing process and tremendous growing pains, I found myself on a path again, knowing where I go and where I'd like to be five years from now.
Of course, as Universe want you to learn and evolve, five years later I once again ended up at a completely different place, settings and company then I initially envisioned, but this time around not stressed or hysterical about it.

I think I know again, where I'd like to land five years from now. Things I'd like to accomplish and experience to feel ok with being 35, and then 40.

But of course, those are things appealing to my thirty year old self, who's just plucked a first gray hair from his left temple.

The future self can't never be satisfied, because it does not exist in the present moment.

So my pledge is, to try my best to appease my present self, and spend the time and energy before the next big milestone having fun, collecting great experiences (yes, both good and bad), learning about myself and others, going for adventures, growing and building meaningful things with good people.

And waiting for whatever comes out of that flowing water on Mars.