“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.”
— Ferdinand Foch
February 12, 2025, brings us a Full Moon in Leo that is anything but subtle. If you’ve been craving a moment where the universe turns on a spotlight and hands you the metaphorical mic, this is it. Expect revelations, disruptions, and breakthroughs—some glorious, some chaotic, but all impossible to ignore. With the Moon at 24° Leo, the Sun in Aquarius stands opposite, creating a cosmic tug-of-war between the need for personal expression (Leo) and the call for collective progress (Aquarius). And because the universe loves a plot twist, Uranus in Taurus is squaring this lunation, throwing a wildcard into the mix. If you were hoping for a calm, introspective Full Moon, I regret to inform you that this is more of a Broadway opening night—dramatic, unforgettable, and a little unpredictable. Something we’re sadly slowly getting used to in 2025, I think.
A Grand Theatrical Moment
But this Full Moon, residing in Leo's third decan, demands more than just visibility. It's about staking your claim, demonstrating your value, and defending your position against all odds. This resonates deeply with the challenging start to this year of upheaval, where we've been forced to take sides and raise our voices—whether in protest or support—due to the actions of a handful of billionaires whose decisions reverberate across all of humanity. And speaking of billionaires, did you know that Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg—that unholy trinity of profit-driven power—hold more wealth than the bottom half of the US population combined? Can I hear your lion roar now? Seriously, WTF? How did we even get here, and why does it seem to only be getting worse for everyone else but those fat cats at the top?
Meanwhile, Aquarius, where the Sun sits, is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, making it the detached intellectual rebel to Leo’s passionate, heart-driven performer. Aquarius urges us to think about the bigger picture, while Leo demands we not lose ourselves in the collective. This is an astrological tension of high inflamed reactivity in face of drastic and chaotic changes and challenges.
With Mercury conjunct the Sun in Aquarius, expect a rush of information, conversations, and disclosures that might shake things up. Leaked secrets? We’re waiting for that JFK assasination report to be released. Shocking confessions? Don’t be too surprised if the report mentions aliens. Public scandals? And all the US presidents knew about the aliens. I’m joking, but you probably think: at this point, with how bizarrely is our current timeline unfolding, this would shock no one. And then there’s Uranus, our cosmic disruptor, making a tight square to the Sun and Moon, ensuring that whatever unfolds has a dash of the unexpected—whether it’s a personal epiphany or an international headline that leaves us collectively yelling, “WHAT?!”
Cosmic Escándalo
“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.”
— Simon Sinek
In the larger scheme of things, this Full Moon is illuminating shifts in leadership, celebrity culture, and public figures (Leo themes), while simultaneously asking us to redefine our place within the societal machine (Aquarius themes). With Saturn, Neptune, and the North Node all entangled in Pisces, there’s also an undercurrent of disillusionment. We are witnessing not just change but the collapse of certain illusions—whether they be about the leaders we admire, the systems we trust, or even our own personal narratives.
Yet, despite the chaos, Jupiter is extending a benevolent hand. The Moon is sextile Jupiter in Gemini, lending a touch of optimism. Even if the world feels like it’s cracking open, there’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and find meaning in the madness. This is a Full Moon that forces us to step into our own authority, to reclaim personal power, and to have the courage to change course if necessary.
With the cosmic stage set for high drama, how do we navigate this energy without getting swept away? First, acknowledge what’s coming up for you. This is a Full Moon of revelations—whether about yourself, your relationships, or your long-term path. You may feel an intense pull to step into leadership, claim your individuality, or confront an uncomfortable truth. If the rug gets pulled out from under you, trust that the universe isn’t punishing you—it’s repositioning you.
Creative expression is your best ally. Write, dance, sing, paint—whatever allows you to access your inner light. Leo reminds us that joy is a radical act, especially in uncertain times. If something shocking occurs, lean into self-care and perspective rather than reactionary drama. This is a transit that thrives on theatrical flair, so be mindful of engaging in unnecessary battles simply for the sake of being right.
Aquarius Season and the Leo Full Moon is the perfect time to tap into your unique magic and embrace the visionary energy flowing through the cosmos. If you're looking to connect more deeply with your authentic self, align with the universe’s rhythm, and harness this season's power, my Aquarius Season Guided Meditation is the perfect companion. Journey with me through this powerful ritual, and let’s unlock the creativity, clarity, and cosmic alignment that’s waiting for you. AVAILABLE HERE

Your Star-Sign Roadmap for Leo Full Moon
Under this Full Moon’s influence, each zodiac sign experiences a unique call to action in a different life area, but all will be asked to step into their courage and authenticity. Here’s how the energy plays out for each Sun/Rising sign, along with guidance on how to harness it.
Pisces (6th House): Health, work, and daily life are under the Full Moon’s glow. If you’ve been neglecting your well-being, this is your cosmic wake-up call. Uranus in your 3rd house of communication might bring sudden realizations, a shift in perspective, or unexpected news from siblings or close acquaintances. With Jupiter in your 4th house, there’s an expansive energy around home and family—perhaps a relocation or a shift in your domestic environment. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune in your sign are guiding you through a long-term transformation, asking you to step into greater personal authority while shedding illusions. This is a powerful moment to restructure your routines and align them with your true purpose. Trust that the small changes you make now will ripple into significant growth over time.
Aries (5th House): Your creative projects, romantic life, and personal joy are highlighted. Expect a revelation in a love affair, a breakthrough in artistic pursuits, or a bold declaration that demands attention. With Uranus shaking up your financial sector, there may be a sudden change in resources that forces you to reassess how you invest in your happiness. Jupiter in your communication sector encourages you to share your truth with confidence, while Saturn and Neptune in your spiritual house remind you to align your desires with deeper meaning. Take bold risks, but make sure they resonate with your highest path.
Taurus (4th House): Home, family, and emotional foundations come into focus. Shocking news within your household or a sudden change in living arrangements is possible. Uranus in your sign is pushing you to redefine your sense of self, and this Full Moon may highlight where your personal growth clashes with traditional family expectations. Jupiter is expanding your financial opportunities, but also urging you to be mindful of spending. Pay attention to dreams and intuitive nudges—they are guiding you towards stability in an unconventional way.
Gemini (3rd House): Communication, travel, and social circles are shaken up. Expect surprising news, an unexpected trip, or a moment where your words carry more weight than you anticipated. Mercury’s involvement amplifies mental activity, making this an ideal time to voice your ideas—just be prepared for resistance. Jupiter in your sign is offering protection and expansion, but Saturn’s presence in your career sector means long-term planning is necessary. This Full Moon may reveal where you’ve been spreading yourself too thin, urging you to refine your focus.
Cancer (2nd House): Your finances and self-worth are in the spotlight. Sudden shifts in income or spending habits may arise. With Uranus in your 11th house, unexpected opportunities could come through networks or friends. Jupiter in your subconscious sector is helping you release outdated financial fears, but Saturn and Neptune in your belief system house suggest a deeper realignment with your true values is required. Let go of financial patterns that no longer serve you and embrace new ways to cultivate abundance. Be cautious of impulsive spending, as Uranus can bring both sudden windfalls and unexpected expenses. This is a time to trust your intuition when making financial decisions and to align your earning power with your deeper purpose.
Leo (1st House): This Full Moon is your personal renaissance. Everything about your identity, self-presentation, and life path is under the cosmic spotlight. If you’ve been playing small, expect circumstances to push you into the forefront. Uranus in your 10th house is shaking up your career and public reputation—are you ready to embrace the changes? With Jupiter blessing your social connections, opportunities could arrive through collaborations, networking, or unexpected allies. This is a moment to fully embrace your leadership qualities while remaining adaptable to shifts in professional direction.
Virgo (12th House): Your inner world, mental health, and hidden patterns are illuminated. A spiritual awakening or realization could shake you up. This is an ideal time for retreat, introspection, and breaking self-sabotaging cycles. Uranus in your 9th house may bring sudden travel opportunities or shifts in belief systems that challenge your worldview. Saturn and Neptune in your relationship sector suggest long-term changes in your closest bonds—are you holding onto illusions about someone? Prioritize deep inner work now, as this will set the stage for major transformations in the months to come.
Libra (11th House): Friendships, community, and long-term aspirations are the focus. Unexpected shifts in social circles may occur. Some connections strengthen, others dissolve, making way for more aligned relationships. Jupiter in your career house brings expansion, but only if you step into a role of greater responsibility. Uranus in your 8th house could shake up shared finances or bring revelations around trust and intimacy. Use this time to discern who truly supports your growth and who no longer aligns with your evolving vision.
Scorpio (10th House): Career and public image take center stage. A professional breakthrough or surprising shift in status could occur. You might be stepping into a new leadership role—or realizing it’s time to walk away from one. Uranus in your 7th house could bring unexpected changes in relationships, both personal and professional. Jupiter’s influence in your travel and education sector suggests that broadening your horizons will play a role in your next career move. Pay attention to offers from unexpected sources.
Sagittarius (9th House): Your beliefs, education, and long-term vision are being rewritten under this lunation. If you've felt stuck in outdated perspectives, Uranus in your 6th house of daily routines and work is shaking up your habits, pushing you to break free from limiting structures. Jupiter in your relationship sector suggests that partnerships—romantic or business—could play a pivotal role in expanding your worldview. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune in your home and family house indicate deep shifts in your personal foundation. You may be considering a move, redefining family dynamics, or processing a sense of emotional restructuring. Embrace these transformations as an opportunity to realign with your truest path.
Capricorn (8th House): This Full Moon shines a light on deep psychological and financial matters. Your intimacy, shared resources, and energetic exchanges are under scrutiny, revealing where imbalances exist. Uranus in your 5th house could bring surprises in romance, children, or creative endeavors—perhaps a project or love affair takes an unexpected turn. With Jupiter lighting up your health and work sector, consider how your daily efforts contribute to your overall well-being. Saturn and Neptune in your communication sector call for discernment—some messages may be confusing or misleading, so ensure that what you hear (or say) aligns with reality. Use this time to clear debts—both financial and emotional—so you can move forward with a lighter heart.
This Full Moon in Leo is not for the faint of heart. It demands courage, authenticity, and a willingness to embrace change. Whether you are the one making headlines in your own life or watching them unfold around you, trust that this lunation is setting the stage for something bigger. Step forward with confidence, own your truth, and don’t be afraid to shine—after all, that’s what Leo does best.
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