Little gift

. 1 min read . Written by Kuba Vitek
Little gift

So a belated birthday present from the city of London, I'm in Soho waiting for David (not really under very glamorous circumstances, so all kinds of thoughts circling in my mind), listening to my latest musical obsession 'Oh Wonder'. At one point, whilst humming along to the music my personal mantra of late

('I've been upside down, I don't want to be the right way around, I'll find paradise on the ground...')

I've glanced across the street and there they are...doing a photo shoot..I started laughing, did a quick google search for 'Oh Wonder photos' to confirm and then boldly crossed the street to say 'hi' and 'I love you' and 'well done' and 'see you in the concert end of November' and a string of other embarrassing babbling.

..only in London magic is still alive!

P.S.: And yes, just along the lines of my usual luck, on the only picture I took with them, it seems like I'm far more excited to see them than I really was. No, that's not an erection..I think...
