Beach, please!

. 5 min read . Written by Kuba Vitek
Beach, please!

What a treat of a weekend once again!

You need to understand - ever since we moved in together to our Highgate nest of weirdness and (weird)love, there's not been that many instances of

A) feeling like there's any need to move from the flat/livingroom, where all the fun is happening anyway


B) having actual weekends off together (which in London is quite a rarity especially if you're an immigrant i.e. most likely not working a Mon-Fri,9-5 job)

But with the super-annoying news of having to look for a new flat beginning of 2018
(reason being our landlady decided to move her son into our flat instead, but don't fret, karma is coming for you)
it's almost like a weight's lifted and floodgate opened, and as oppose to dedicating to create memories in our flat (which feels like someone else's flat now, that we're merely warming up for him) we're heading out together, just the two of us, to remind ourselves of what adventures are to be had in London, and boy what a wonderful way to conclude the workweek full of too much coffee, too many people on the Underground and too many nights killed by sinking into the sofa watching Walking Dead, that nobody enjoys anymore for at least 4 last seasons.

I went out for a little walk with Luca on Friday after work.
We chatted about anything and everything, whilst keeping warm with an office-made mulled wine (plastic bottle - mix of blueberry syrup and red and white wine leftovers from our company's staff party, heated up in the microwave - but hey it worked!). We'll most likely see him and Fabio next weekend and hopefully for a fake Christmas dinner before they leave to Italy sometimes in December.

Saturday we embarked on a journey to Stoke Newington for a surprise visit to a Vegan Food Market in Abney Hall. Lots of little treats and 20secs-friendships, that I love so much (but to be fair if you want to dig into those samples each stand proposes, you kind of have to be friendly and seem interested for at least those 20 seconds), some impressive ethical cosmetics and an instant-regret (although delicious) vegan-chicken-seitan-kebab-wrap of indulgence lunch (after-effect of which is me still feeling full even now - two days later, and this I mean literally - but to be fair that's always the case with food we are just not designed to eat...AHAHAHAH! Sorry, vegans, I can never resist..) and got some cheescake and matcha-salted caramel-chocolate cookies to enjoy Sunday at home, paired with some coffee and prosecco.

Still in Stoke Newington, we caught up with Rene and her friend from uni with the most awesome name: Maladö, who had some seriously scary stories regarding her 'substitue teacher' career in high schools of Manchaster. Rene is consistantly an absolute hoot, laughing through life no matter how dire her circumstances get (and just to illustrate how deep that can go - she got stuck in Vox Africa for much longer than me, suffering all kinds of bullcrap in the process), which is probably why in the end she bounced from the bottomless pit of brokeback-media-exploitation to a luxurious first class treatment of BBC.

Our last stop of the day The Photographers' Gallery on Oxford Circus hosting an event called Geekender Party - Hyperanalogue - a little showcase of various homemade cameras and scanners, glass of wine and a mechanical techno DJ session.

We got our hands on some pretty awesome new polaroids (oh how I miss my polaroid - another reason why moving to a new place is a great thing to look forward too - as for now, we can't really display our pictures on the walls) and improvised portable dark room cameras, which I'll never understand how someone just build and make work.

This one scans your face in 96 separate lines and generates somewhat ghostly impression of your face based just on the light vs. shadow information, the result printed on a reciept roll of paper.
I'd say David's came out quite impressive (I would still not look at it right before sleep):

It's been an uberlong and uber-ours and uberfun date, after which we were content to spend our Sunday in, cooking (roast Chicken with root vegetable mash + spinach/red lentils/chicken curry for the weekday lunch), baking (peanut butter/apple gluten-free muffins, 2x loaf of butternut squast and omega seeds bread - omg, I'm feeling exhausted just listing this) and enjoying each other (*'s bodies aha!).

With a stable income and stable work days (for now anyway), the taste of this coctail called life is getting more and more balanced.

As I keep saying: when you have the bases covered (or at least sort of in our case), only than you exit the 'emergency mode' and start building on top of it. Brain allows itself to light up again with projects and ideas and ambitions beyond just the basic survival.

I've noticed we're slowly letting the fancy fly high, more and more discussing ideas for future adventures + ventures (a business we could one day end up starting), places and experiences beyond just the usual millenial's dilemmas like how to pay the gas&electricity bill and still have enough left for the nescessary things like houmous.

I can't wait for our Christams (first time on our own), our travelling and little trips (my cousin is getting married in January or February, so there will be a flash visit to Czech), for polaroids, blogging, for little stories and big stories and just to see where life will take us (make it hot, cheap and with a beach, please).

boom chaka laka