Xmas Groove Initiated

. 3 min read . Written by Kuba Vitek
Xmas Groove Initiated

So midweek date night to get the christmas groove finally ignited. Mulled wine concocted completely guerrilla-style in the office microwave, which strikingly came out as the best mulled beverage of several last winters (maybe that's our new thing?), xmas dinner represented by Starbuck's turkey feast flatbread and of course the very compulsory christmas jumpers (in Girard's case a xmas t-shirt as he's the biggest festive jumper adversary) and a Bridget Jones's Diary at the Pillow Cinema.

'Wait a minute... nice boys don't kiss like that.'
'Oh yes they fucking do.'

Also David had his trial shift in a new insane place at Selfridges today. Funny, cause it's a french restaurant, and as I always speak before I think, I mentioned to him 'oh, hang on a minute, I used to actually know a french guy, who was a manager of a french restaurant in Selfridges'..and yes, only then realised I 'knew' that guy for exactly one night only and that became a very uncomfortable situation for both us, so fingers crossed he won't get the job.

On the same day that I enthusiastically related some silly work story to Emma in the morning, only to then notice her face drenched in tears as she has been watching a Still Alice (co-incidentally the first film me and Frenchie watched together on the first date and maybe that way bonded over unashamedly revealing ourselves as emotional beings as oppose to ruthless sex-crazed millennials to each other?), I didn't fit in the door (pre-caffein mode) and crushed my forehead on the wall just next to the door, followed by bleeding out into the bathtub (I really need to pay more attention when I shave around the nipples)

and later in the afternoon David attended a fashion photoshoot in some smelly dodgy basement (fully clothed he claims) only to later be asked for £400 in exchange for 10 pictures of himself, so overexposed that you couldn't see a single one of his 400 billion freckles ==(yes, that is indeed the number of stars in the Milky Way) ==, which - if you ask me - are his biggest selling point, cause let's face it - the tiny rhino ears are just ludicrous.

In conclusion I cannot believe Christmas is only a week away, but I'm mighty excited as it will be wildly improvised and new and wondrous. The christmas magic has been at work since the beginning of December - on so many fronts it seems it is all happening - gearing up towards the January 2016...According to the Chinese Horoscope, it's a year of a monkey climbing up the mountain

aka intensely successful year of fulfilled ambitions and conquering challenges, as monkey doesn't give up, try different approaches and paths but always finds a way how to climb up that fucking mountain.

P.S.: This dates nights are like a little holiday in the middle of the week. I love US in the context of the world out there, our amazing friends and also the strangers we share so many laughs with on the public transport. But equally relish the little intimate moments like sneaking into the abandoned yard just before the film started to drink the microwaved radioactive wine, watch the fairy lights and talk about stuff.